I took some time out this week to go to Battery Park, on the North tip right at the end of Chambers Street. It is a gorgous expanse of trees, grass, and a little concrete sitting area with benches, chess tables, and a wonderful array of metal art pieces done by Tom Otterness. His work can also be seen at the 14th Street/Union Square station. I love the dark humor and adorable macabre qualities in his work – it’s half humor and half commentary, and both. He combines images of animals, money, death, and people in a disturbingly cute way. I would love a tiny commission of his artwork made – maybe a tiny blind mouse begging on a dollar coin? Let me know what you can do.
Here are just a few pictures; click on any of them to go to my flickr blog set, which contains more examples of his work in Battery Park. And here’s an NPR episode about his work as well as other works in the New York Subway.