The City Hall area was filled for a little more than 2 hours as thousands of people congregated to speak up against Proposition 8 and all of its cousins. It started around 1:30 and ended around 3:15, was very peaceful but energetic, and there were a lot of powerful speakers there. The rally was one of several going on around the nation, including San Francisco and Los Angeles. What is interesting is that I knew about the rally from a friend on Facebook – in fact, the entire event was planned, promoted and organized online.
The number of creative signage was impressive, both humorous and with outright outrage. The most touching of sign-carriers were those who were with their loved ones who pointed out how many years they were engaged but not married. There were the bride & bride, groom & groom dress ups, and even a lady dressed in a bridesmaid dress holding a sign saying “Always a Bridesmaid, Never a…?”
And, as it happens in New York, I bumped into former UCLA-dorm-floor-mate Philip!
The truth is, the Propositions of anti-gay marriage are awaiting court decisions – that is, now that they’re on the table, it is up to the courts to decide whether it is still constitutional or not. Frankly, after striking down Proposition 22, I can’t imagine that the CA courts can say yes to this one. Even Arnold Schwarzenegger says he is against Prop 8 policy and wishes it overturned, although he seemed quiet while the campaign was going on.
Anyone interested in becoming a part of the solution to ending descrimination against gay & lesbian marriage, check out & And if you yourself have a account with some pictures of the November 15th rally in your area, add them here.