Had a blast at 1930’s Idol last night. Didn’t place, but got to sing in both rounds, making me a semi-finalist and a finalist in one night. First round, I sang “I Got You Under My Skin,” and for the second round, I sang “Mon Homme/My Man.” The winners of the evening were Merrill Grant for Audience Favorite, Ritt Henn for Runner Up and Sigali Hamberger for 1930’s Idol Champion. If you haven’t read up on the evening’s judges and performers, check out it’s page on the Big Night Out website here.
My glorious husband, Pete, videotaped it (digitally recorded?) the evening, so once I have a breather, I’ll post my entries from last week and last night on my new YouTube account, which is sorely lacking in content right now…
In the meantime, congrats to the winners, thanks go to the judges and all the wonderful singers and guest artists who entertained, to Bill Zeffiro who tirelessly kept the piano warm, and to Jennifer Wren, Jon Campbell, and Alex De Suze, who produced and organized the evening so wonderfully.
On to the next big thing!

And for a completely different version of “I Got You Under My Skin” skip forward to 2:00 in this YouTube Video (thanks David Rigano for pointing it out!).