Sue Matsuki (who is a Cabaret performer of the highest esteem and who I highly respect), has started writing for Cabaret Hotline Online. Marquee Five’s latest show, “8-Track Throwback,” was chosen by Sue in her first run of reviews for the online site. And once again, I cannot be prouder of this show! You can read the review from the website itself here, or just read the following.
And a REMINDER – OUR LAST SHOW is on October 16th, 2010 at 6pm, Don’t Tell Mama. Call 212-757-0788 or go online to make reservations!!!
***************************************MARQUEE FIVE in 8 TRACK THROWBACK – Singer/Songwriters of the 60’s & 70’s
October 2nd 2010 – Don’t Tell Mam
This award winning team of singers, Mick Bleyer, Adam West Hemming (arranger), Vanessa Parvini, Sierra Rein & Julie Reyburn collectively called Marquee Five have yet another hit show on their hands!
Great music by Wonder, Mitchell, King, Joplin, Dylan … you know the GREATS … by 5 very special and incredible voices. Just GO SEE THIS SHOW! It’s like no other you will see out there. Music we all know done SO differently that it may take you a few minutes to realize what you’re listening to. (This can be a good thing or a not so good thing but most of the time, in this show, it’s a good thing!)
Beautifully played by Mark Janas on piano, Matt Scharfglass on bass, Tony Romano on guitar and directed by Joseph Ward, this is a fast moving, dynamic trip down memory lane … and speaking of a “trip” …
When I say Janis Joplin, I’m sure the first person that comes to mind is Sierra Rein, right? Here’s this beautiful, classy looking woman rasping out to Joplin’s Move Over in a jaw dropping performance that made me look at Sierra in a whole new light. The audience went wild for this number.
On A Case of You I was first thrown by the tempo of the song having known it no other way than how most sing it but in Vanessa Parvin’s hands and lovely voice, and with Adam’s super arrangement, it was like hearing a new story on a song I thought I knew well. Brava Vanessa!
Let me just say this, to do a show like this where the arrangements are yet another “star” in the show, it should be noted that the entire cast seemed to have an individual acting connection or point of view with each of the tunes that they were the lead on – also impressive in ensemble work.
The boys … oh my stars … Mick Bleyer’s take on Elton John’s Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word with Adam West Hemming’s take on All is Fair in Love was STUNNING! The pain in Mick’s voice as the “younger” man played against Adam’s more mature perspective of pain with a little “oh well” thrown in – it gave me chills. Another audience favorite and one of my favorite moments in the show.
Disclaimer: Julie Reyburn and I are friends, good friends but I have “reviewed” many of her shows by postings to various places so it will be no surprise to anyone when I write:
Music is to Julie Reyburn what a Tech Director is to the stage … Music IS Julie’s light. It’s like the minute she opens her mouth, she has a pin spot on her. Her Tangled Up in Blue and then later taking the lead on Will You Love Me Tomorrow showed me, once again, that this era of music seems to be Julie’s “heart music” being the daughter of two hippies and all. She can sing anything but I love her doing this music.
A long review because there are so many notable moments and each singer is a star in their own right. There’s a line in Jolene that said, “You can have your choice of men” and here we are seeing three women realizing Jolene has done exactly that, chosen all of their men … the girls really deliver on this tune as well. Listen, I could go on and on but you should just go to see their last show which is:
Saturday, October 16th at 6:00 pm at Don’t Tell Mama, 343 West 46th Street (Between 8th & 9th) – Reservations: 212-757-0788 – $20 Cover / 2 Drink Minimum, Cash only. HIGHLY RECOMMEND!
Sue Matsuki, Sue’s Views, Reviews & News on – Oct. 4th 2010
Sierra Rein
“I don’t sing because I’m happy, I’m happy because I sing” – William James