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Review: “Twist of Fate” with Kevin McMullan

As read in a previous blog entry, Sue Matsuki reviews for Cabaret Hotline Online. She came to see “Twist of Fate,” the show I’m currently performing in for artist Kevin McMullan. Read the entire article here. The back up singers: Adam West Hemming, Sierra Rein & Dara Seizman are all STARS in their own right but here they exercise restraint to be exceptionally good supports in this show with knock out vocals and harmonies. Special “props” also to the lovely Dara for her Gypsy Ballet … it was stunning.

James Fradrich Memorial Concert DVD Party

November 14, 2010Sierra sang at the James Fradrich Memorial Concert DVD Party at the Metropolitan Room. The evening was a benefit for the James Fradrich Memorial Scholarship for Classical Pianists and Composers. In addition to performing solos and a duet, she sang a new arrangement of one of Fradrich’s song with Marquee Five. Interviews Me! Ok, not really…

I decided to take a cue (okay, blatantly steal) an idea from the blog of actress-singer-coach Erin Cronican, and filled out my own responses to the series of interviews in wich they ask well known theater performers about themselves. Consider this a draft for the actual interview… Oh, and it’s Erin’s Birthday today – Happy Birthday Erin! I’m stealing from you! Full given name: Sierra Aviva Rezendes Rein Hometown: Oakland, CA Zodiac Sign: Aries Audition song: Either “Children of the Wind” from Rags or “Old Fashioned Love Story” from Wild Party, or “I Feel the Earth Move” byContinue Interviews Me! Ok, not really…

Catch Sierra and Marquee Five this Sunday 11/14 at THE JAMES FRADRICH MEMORIAL CONCERT DVD PARTY

From Kevin McMullan: “Kevin McMullan presents THE JAMES FRADRICH MEMORIAL CONCERT DVD PARTY A benefit for the JAMES FRADRICH MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP for Classical Pianists and Composers at Lawrence University, Jim’s alma mater. Many attended the all-star, now-legendary JAMES FRADRICH MEMORIAL CONCERT, exactly one year ago minus a day from the day of this event at St. Malachy’s Actors’ Chapel in NYC featuring some of the brightest talent from cabaret and Broadway. Many have been asking about the DVD. My companion, the well-known off-Broadway composer, Jim Fradrich, was an extraordinarily talented, yet modest composer who kept his talents under wraps, andContinue readingCatch Sierra and Marquee Five this Sunday 11/14 at THE JAMES FRADRICH MEMORIAL CONCERT DVD PARTY