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Photos from the MAC Awards!

The Marquee of BB King’s:Outside BB King’s: This picture: Resulted in this picture: The official Award announcement card: The stage (that’s Adam Feldman from TimeOut)With Mary Lahti and Adam West HemmingAccepting the award:Marquee Five, looking sharp! Mick Bleyer enjoys an official/special MAC Martini’s image of us in the winner’s area:(Photo by Joseph Marzullo/WENN.COM) Cheers, Sierra Rein “I don’t sing because I’m happy, I’m happy because I sing” – William James

Crystal Skillman’s play “The Vigil or the Guided Cradle.”

Last night I saw the AEA Showcase presentation of “The Vigil or The Guided Cradle,” performed and presented by The Brick Theater, Inc. and Impetuous Theater Group. It was written by Crystal Skillman and directed by John Hurley. I was excited to see my first Skillman play (as I had attended the York Theater’s staged reading of her musical “That’s Andy” last year). Crystal has both the depth and the energy to write both musical theater and a play about torture with equal zest. Full disclosure: she’s my friend via the friendship between our husbands. The play is a one-act,Continue readingCrystal Skillman’s play “The Vigil or the Guided Cradle.”


Wow, didn’t know I’d be typing this – My vocal group, Marquee Five — after it’s freshman/debut show in 2009 at The Metropolitan Room and Don’t Tell Mama — has WON THE 2010 MAC AWARD FOR VOCAL DUO/GROUP!!!! We had such wonderful well-established, heavy-hitters Uptown Express and The Accidentals as fellow nominees – we were so excited just to be in the mix! Coverage and press of the evening can be found on,, and You can also visit the official MAC website to read up on all the winners and hopefully soon see pictures from theContinue readingMARQUEE FIVE WINS A 2010 MAC AWARD!

Some inspiration for the weekend from other blogs…

Sierra here, taking a much-needed break and writing about some inspiring words from others I recently came across in my Internet journeys… I just discovered Jon Rubenstein’s blog “Adventures in Compassion” – read this entry here about casting director Mark Bennett’s thoughts about compassion in the creative business. Michael Kostroff (actor, audition seminar teacher) sent it to me via Excerpt here: “We all come into this world innocent, full of hope. As long as babies’ basic needs are met, they are happy. That’s why young children are such good actors – they have come not to impress or toContinue readingSome inspiration for the weekend from other blogs…

Some Great Upcoming Performances by Friends!

This text completely stolen from the newsletter – become a member & sign up for weekly and special emails filled with Cabaret news! SUNDAY – MAY 2nd—————WHAT MORE CAN I SAY: THE SONGS OF WILLIAM FINN—————Broadway Voices, the small ensemble of the New York City Gay Men’s Chorus, presents their new show, celebrating the Tony-Award winning composer of In Trousers, Falsettos, Elegies: A Song Cycle, A New Brain and The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee at THE WEST BANK CAFE/LAURIE BEECHMAN THEATER (407 West 42nd Street, NYC – 212-695-6909 – ) on Sunday, May 2nd at 1:00Continue readingSome Great Upcoming Performances by Friends!

Three New Performances April 24th, April 25th and April 29th!

See me sing in three separate end-of-April performances! 1. April 24th, 10pm – my sister singer/songwriter Lisa Rein makes her New York debut at The Duplex (61 Christopher Street). It will be an hour of her original songs, performed with George Kelly with backup vocals by myself. The Facebook event is here for updates, and you can click here for reservations. $10 cover + 2-drink minimum. 2. April 25th, 7-10:00pm I’ll be singing with Marquee Five as a Special Guest of The Salon hosted by Mark Janas. This Bistro Award-winning, MAC Award-nominated open mic is one of my haunts eachContinue readingThree New Performances April 24th, April 25th and April 29th!

In-Laws in Town – Broadway, Good Eats, Auditions & Callbacks.

I’m going to try to be brief with yet another MEGABLOG entry of my last week’s exploits. My husband (Pete) and I were wined, dined, and entertained by my in-laws (Pete’s father Bill and step-mother Janet). Bill is a huge musical theater fan, and has more CD’s of original cast albums and more archived Playbills than I! On Sunday the 11th, after teaching drama at All Soul’s Church, I met Pete, Bill and Janet to see “Sondheim on Sondheim.” This musical review is different from the previous “Putting It Together,” in that big flatscreen televisions (placed together to form movableContinue readingIn-Laws in Town – Broadway, Good Eats, Auditions & Callbacks.

New Lineup for the Tudor City Greens Concerts this Summer!

I performed at and quite enjoyed the Tudor City Greens Concerts in the past two years. Now that the weather is warming up, they’re starting again – featuring some great cabaret, Broadway, and club performers! ALL THE SHOWS ARE FREE! Here’s a re-blog of a post from “What a great month – we were honored with the 2010 Bistro Award for our concert series and garned at 2010 MAC Award nomination as well! Click on the Bistro link to see what great company we’re in with the others being honored (such as Mitzi Gaynor, Alan Cumming and Tovah Feldshu)…Continue readingNew Lineup for the Tudor City Greens Concerts this Summer!

Kathleen France, Tim Burton, Lego Art, and a Carousel

Last weekend was chock full. On Friday, I caught Kathleen France‘s guest-star-packed-for-charity show “The Book of Love ” at the Metropolitan Room. Proceeds from the ticket cover price went to a literacy program which concentrates on the youth of New York City. The show was fantastic – not only was Kathleen a wonderful, talented and emotionally giving singer, but the guest singers were incredible as well. In attendance to sing their own love-related songs were Terese Genecco, Julie Reyburn, Shaynee Rainbow, and Peter Napolitano (who recited one of his own essays). Tracy Stark music directed and played piano, SeanContinue readingKathleen France, Tim Burton, Lego Art, and a Carousel