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Pictures from “Smokin'” at The Duplex

Some pictures, taken by George Bonnano, of “Smokin’: Warning, the Songs of Jay Alan Zimmerman” at The Duplex, NYC October 5, 2009. With Kevin Massey, Mick Bleyer, Matthew Lutz, Lori Marinacci, and Kay “The Pal” Pringle. With Jay Alan Zimmerman on piano. Sierra, Matt, Lori “My Mistake” Sierra, Kay The Pal, Matt, “Bald Barbie” Sierra Sierra, Lori, “Only Words” Lori, Sierra Matt, Lori, Kevin, Sierra, Mick Matt, Lori, Kevin, Sierra, Mick Matt, Lori, Kevin, Sierra, MickJay, Matt, Lori, Kevin, Sierra, Mick – Sierra

Plugging Away!

I have to spend some time (now that I’m finished promoting the composer showcase I was in on Monday) to plug some of my friend’s upcoming work. First of all, I’ve already mentioned “Rob Langeder: Undead in Hell’s Kitchen,” October 30th and 31st, which I’m interested in checking out. The guy can do jazz and scat like no other, but this show is all about Rock n’ Rolling-in-your-Grave! I do hope to be there! You can get $7 tickets if you make reservations by the end of TODAY, October 7th!!!!****************************************October 10th @ 11:45pm at the Metropolitan Room: Jenna EspositoContinue readingPlugging Away!

A plug for a Halloween Show: “Rob Langeder: Undead in Hell’s Kitchen”!

This man’s voice and control, style and humor is to DIE for…literally! **************Please note! As usual, you get my best discount if you reserve early! October 7th is the last day to reserve for this show at the low, low price of just 7 bucks plus the drink minimum!Such a deal! Call 212-757-0788 or log on at! ************** Hey, kids, do you like the rock and roll? Well, then, you are going to LOVE my upcoming Halloween show, ROB LANGEDER: UNDEAD IN HELL’S KITCHEN! After all, what better way to get in the spirit of the holiday than byContinue readingA plug for a Halloween Show: “Rob Langeder: Undead in Hell’s Kitchen”!

It’s THE DAY of the Show “Smokin’: The Songs of Jay Alan Zimmerman”! Tonight! Monday, Oct 5th, 7pm – The Duplex, NYC

Smokin’! @ The Duplex WARNING: The Songs of Jay Alan Zimmerman You know you shouldn’t, but you’re gonna anyway: smoke, drink, eat donuts, fall in love with the wrong people. So come celebrate your vices with Jay and abunch of hot next-gen Broadway singers: Kevin Massey, Lori Marinacci, Matt Lutz, Mick Bleyer, Sierra Rein and her puppet (!) It’s all written by Jay Alan Zimmerman — who really should give up music because he’s deaf now, but what the #$@%?! SMOKIN’! is only 10 bucks, and because you need to stop drinking, there’s a two-drink minimum. Sure, it’s hazardous toContinue readingIt’s THE DAY of the Show “Smokin’: The Songs of Jay Alan Zimmerman”! Tonight! Monday, Oct 5th, 7pm – The Duplex, NYC

A very special “Sounds from the Subway”

Haven’t done one of these in a while, but I found the perfect opportunity to break my “no posting cool sounds and music I hear while in the Subway system” fast. Friday, my hubby Pete & I were on our way down to Trader Joe’s, taking the A line. Two young men entered, threw down their knit caps in the center of the train. One had a guitar, the other a violin. The guitarist started strumming a pounding background tune, and after about 16 bars the other musician started playing…”Billy Jean” by Michael Jackson. Really well. I had to firstContinue readingA very special “Sounds from the Subway”

Birdland, Puppet tech, and rehearsals, rehearsals, rehearsals.

I had a wonderful, music-filled past couple of days. Sunday afternoon, I hiked over to New Jersey to meet up with a quartet of mine. We’re rehearsing for a December-planned project (due for an announcement soon – we just have to get the details ironed out). After that, the home we were rehearsing in was filled with Christmas Carolers for our first full rehearsal of 2009. We have a few terrific new additions to the group, who will undoubtedly look and sing fabulously in quartets. ( is the group, we’re for hire come Thanksgiving). So that lasted until 9pm, andContinue readingBirdland, Puppet tech, and rehearsals, rehearsals, rehearsals.

October 5, 2009 – Smokin’! The Songs of Jay Alan Zimmerman

Smokin’! @ The Duplex WARNING: The Songs of Jay Alan Zimmerman You know you shouldn’t, but you’re gonna anyway: smoke, drink, eat donuts, fall in love with the wrong people. So come celebrate your vices with Jay and abunch of hot next-gen Broadway singers: Kevin Massey, Lori Marinacci, Matt Lutz, Mick Bleyer, Sierra Rein and her puppet (!) It’s all written by Jay Alan Zimmerman — who really should give up music because he’s deaf now, but what the #$@%?! SMOKIN’! is only 10 bucks, and because you need to stop drinking, there’s a two-drink minimum. Sure, it’s hazardous toContinue readingOctober 5, 2009 – Smokin’! The Songs of Jay Alan Zimmerman