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“[Sarah Mackenzie Baron] and Sierra Rein were magical as the Shining twins, but Rein’s Cujo solo was beyond brilliant and may have been the evenings most unexpected twist.”

Review from of “Shining in Misery: a King-Size Parody!” Weds May 8 at 54 Below

“Even Cujo the dog is briefly featured in the play, voiced “doggy style” by Sierra Rein.” 

Review from of “Shining in Misery: a King-Size Parody!” Weds May 8 at 54 Below

One More Kiss. How pretty. I just love this song. And it’s nice to hear it in such clean, pretty voices. This cut is sublime. (Sierra ReinSarah Rice)”

– Stephen Mosher on “Sondheim Unplugged: the NYC sessions: Volume III”

Interview: “Riveting Riffs” Magazine by Joe Montague:

These are heady days for actress and singer Sierra Rein, she has now returned to what she enjoys doing most in life, performing on stage and in front of a camera, after two years of much of the arts world being put on an involuntary pause due to COVID. She has two podcasts on the go, a short film in post-production, appears in two episodes of a series to be broadcast and streamed on FX on Hulu this fall and she has several exciting music gigs coming up. Believe or not that is just barely scratching the surface.

Sierra Rein (pronounced Rhine as in rhinestones) talks about her role in the FX Hulu series Fleishman is in Trouble, “It came out of the blue. It was January of this year and my agent who hadn’t really talked to me for a while said hey can you put yourself on tape for this TV show? I didn’t really know much about the project, so I did a tiny bit of Googling. I was like oh, okay there is this character Cherry who is in the book Fleishman is in Trouble, but there wasn’t very much about her. I had my husband do the other dialogue and I shot the scene and sent it in. This was when we were in lockdown a little bit (New York City). We were slowing emerging and putting our toes back into the river of humanity of this year.”

(read the full interview)

View Sierra’s credits and news on Broadway World

“Sondheim Unplugged” at Feinstein’s/54 Below

Broadway World (read the full review)

Little acting choices took Sierra Rein’s “Moments in the Woods” and Sarah Rice’s “Stay With Me” into personal little corners of storytelling that might have sparked a little something new in the interpretation, and both ladies had the audience in the palms of their hands the whole time.

– Stephen Mosher, February 23, 2020


“Moments in the Woods.” Photo by Stephen Mosher

Marquee Five – “Back Porch Swing”

Cabaret Hotspot (read the full review)

Sierra Rein’s vocal versatility is well-known…vocal lines that swooped thrillingly from deep in her chest register up into the stratosphere. A deeply grounded performer, her un-showoffy featured turns…were riveting in their simplicity and vocal luster.”



– Jennie Litt, March 10, 2019



The 2019 Bistro Awards

View photos – “The Bistro Awards and You Are There” – March 16, 2019



Photo: Maryann Lopinto

“Running in Place”

Her sumptuous alto and her intelligent, perceptive, and expressive interpretations would be enough to make this show exceptional. But there’s something else: a strong emotional undercurrent—never overstated or obvious, but nonetheless palpable and powerful—that ultimately transforms this uncommonly fine hour of cabaret into a deeply moving experience.



– Roy Sander, Associate Producer of the Bistro Awards



Rein makes it clear she’s totally in command of where she has long wanted to be…offers a carefully chosen baker’s dozen numbers that are every bit as wide-ranging in content and style as her astonishingly supple voice and myriad lyric interpretations…Long may she wave.”



– Robert Windeler, May 6, 2018



Cabaret Scenes (read the full review)

“Sassy, touching, intelligent, beautifully gowned, she simply conquered the stage.”
“… doesn’t take herself too seriously while exhibiting perfect comic timing and a touch of sexiness.”
“And oh, does she know how to build a number…transforms from saucy to sizzling…an emotional payoff with the skill and confidence of a Judy Garland or Barbra Streisand.”



– Bart Greenberg, May 23, 2018



Nite Life Exchange (read the full review)

…a charming, energetic performer who’s really going places!



– Michael Barbieri, October 18, 2018



Marquee Five – “Broadway By The Letter: Act One”

Broadway World (read the full review)

“…beautiful brunette Sierra Rein–voluptuous in both voice and body–zeroed in on the Mark Shaiman/Scott Wittman song “They Just Keep Moving the Line,” and belted it out of the park like Joe DiMaggio would a baseball in his prime.”



– Stephen Hanks, October 23, 2013




Theater Online (read the full review)

“…Sierra Rein’s performance as Ruth, one of the professional bridesmaids. Ruth (also the name of the patient she plays) keeps her puppet Matilda with her at all times, singing and communicating through it exclusively. It’s so completely part of her that there is a moment toward the end of the play when you realize how artificial that unity is. The moment has the effect of watching a magic trick performed, with awe and heartwarming wonder.



– Rob Staeger, April 2009



NY Theater

“Fuller has adapted the piece by adding a framing device that places this performance in a Maine mental hospital—the staff and a few of the patients are the players in the operetta-within-the-show. This set-up, if not absolutely necessary, adds a layer of lighthearted whimsy and allows for some playful gags, the best of which is the use of a puppet (Matilda) as one of the professional bridesmaids. Sierra Rein “plays” Matilda and she is superb—if G&S can’t encompass Avenue Q-style theatricks, then who can?



– Martin Denton, April 27, 2009



“Master Class”

Beverly Press (read the full review)

Sierra Rein…enters with not only a full-out formal ball gown to class, but with some emotional baggage to boot…All three young actor/singers have marvelous voices and bring with them three separate personalities, and the sparkle of students with eyes on the prize. They do terrific work.”



– Dave Depino, June 24, 2004



Marquee Five – “8-Track Throwback”

Cabaret Hotline Online:
“When I say Janis Joplin, I’m sure the first person to come to mind is Sierra Rein, right? Here’s this beautiful, classy looking woman rasping out to Joplin’s Move Over in a jaw dropping performance that made me look at Sierra in a whole new light. The audience went wild for this number.



– Sue Matsuki, October 4, 2010



Mark Janas’ The Salon

Cabaret Hotline Online:
…every single time she steps on a stage, she blows me away. I am speaking of Miss Sierra Rein who sang…in what was a pure, operatic/theatrical voice and performance worthy of a Tony. When I first met Sierra, she was performing with a puppet. Then I heard her do the “Only Make Believe” duet from Oklahoma with another wonderful singer at Salon and THEN, I was shocked to hear her wailing our a Janis Joplin tune in the latest Marquee Five show. This girl can literally sing anything.



– Sue Matsuki, October 28, 2010



“Lilith, The Rock Opera”

Talkin Broadway (read the full review)

“In the title role, Sierra Rein gives a dynamic performance as the lusty, enraged seductress…she does not appear until near the end of the first disc (but she sure knows how to make an entrance – her solo is a tour de force).”



– Rob Lester, February 23, 2006



Marquee Five Press

For Award-Winning vocal group Marquee Five, visit their news page.