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Catch me singing for David & Paul Rigano – “The Rigano Songbook”

Brothers Paul & David Rigano are song writers and have asked me to sing at their showcase “The Rigano Songbook” this coming Sunday, June 27th, at The Metropolitan Room, 9:30pm. Their style is fun, youthful and the song I’m singing is folksy and sweet. Tickets are a steal at $12 ($7 for MAC members!) with a 2-drink minimum! More info at the Metropolitan Room site and Cheers, Sierra Rein “I don’t sing because I’m happy, I’m happy because I sing” – William James

My reactions to the 2010 Tonys

These were my thoughts, literally typed out in the moment on my laptop last night while watching my DVR recording of the telecast, and while sipping some Merlot and folding my laundry. Far be it for me to call myself an expert on any of this, but I’m on the journey towards being up on stage someday myself (or as near as I can), so forgive me if I’m passionate about what I saw last night. This is the Tony’s, not a rock concert. As much as I LOVE my BAY AREA BRETHREN, I’d rather see the CAST sing. ButContinue readingMy reactions to the 2010 Tonys

Mega Update for May (and June is bustin’ out all over, I hear!)

Whew! Okay, it’s been a long time since I posted something – but now I can do some updates! The content of this will be slightly all over the place, not based on date but on “theme.” The beginning of May was pretty damned good. What with my group Marquee Five winning a MAC Award on the 4th and all…yay!…we’re starting up rehearsals again for our NEXT show (title TBD) with all songs arranged by Adam West Hemming. Since then, I have upped my audition attendance in a very mindful way, completed the school year’s job of teaching 6th gradersContinue readingMega Update for May (and June is bustin’ out all over, I hear!)

A Little Muuuusing on Enthuuuusiasm…

One of my late (and great) acting coaches, Al Mancini of The Beverly Hills Playhouse – he passed away in his 70’s about 3 years ago – once told my class that the word “Enthusiasm” comes from the latin for “energy from the Gods.” A quick jaunt over to Wikipedia provides something closer to “possession” from a divine being, while adds that it might be defined as “any of various forms of extreme religious devotion, usually associated with intense emotionalism and a break with orthodoxy.” I have been self-proclaimed a geek. I have worn sci-fi makeup to movie screeningsContinue readingA Little Muuuusing on Enthuuuusiasm…

Happy Mother’s Day, Mom!

I threw this together after finding the image on the web. The mother in this painting looks an awful lot like my mom 😀 Cheers, Sierra Rein “I don’t sing because I’m happy, I’m happy because I sing” – William James

Mother’s Day Weekend – RIP Brenda Rein May 2, 2010

Today is the first truly bittersweet Mother’s Day in my life. I learned a week ago last Sunday that my step-mother, Brenda Rein, passed away from esophageal cancer (after battling with it for years). Yesterday, I would have sent her a Mother’s Day card. Today, my Dad, sister, and Brenda’s family/friends in Oakland, CA are having the burial. I’m not there to take part, but I sit here in my New York apartment and think of her. She was a dynamo of a lady – intelligent, beautiful, classy, stylish, well-read and well-traveled. Before my dad, she was married to anContinue readingMother’s Day Weekend – RIP Brenda Rein May 2, 2010

A Stellar review of Marquee Five’s show “We Can Make It” by Andrew Martin,

Read this review by Andrew Martin about Marquee Five’s debut and MAC Award-winning show…it’s breathtaking: link here Close-harmony vocal group Marquee Five, who happen to be a 2010 MAC Award nominee, has a unique angle in their approach. It’s not just their superb blend in song, and it’s not just their perfect physical counterpart to one another; rather, it’s that they were borne from a production of And The World Goes ‘Round, the famed revue by Kander and Ebb which started Off-Broadway and became a shot heard ’round the world, as it were. As, indeed, so might Marquee Five, ifContinue readingA Stellar review of Marquee Five’s show “We Can Make It” by Andrew Martin,